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Practice on Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

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Start practice on  Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

1. Aliphatic Amines

1.  Amide may be converted into amines by reaction named after
  1. Perkin
  2. Hofmann
  3. Claisen
  4. Kolbe
ans :b

2.  C3H9N represents
  1. Tertiary amine
  2. Secondary amine
  3. Primary amine
  4. All of these
ans :d

3.  Number of isomeric primary amines obtained from C4H11N are
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 4
  4. 6
ans :c

4. Which of the following statements is not correct ?
  1. Primary amines show intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
  2. Secondary amines show intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
  3. Tertiary amines show intermolecular hydrogen bonding,
  4. Amines have a lower boiling point as compared to those of alcohols and carboxylic acids of comparable molar masses.
ans :c

5. The compound X in the reaction

  1. CH3CONH2
  2. CH3NHCH3
  3. C2H6
  4. CH3CH2NH2
ans :d

6. When methyl iodide is heated with ammonia, the product obtained is
  1. Methylamine
  2. Dimethylamine
  3. Trimethylamine
  4. Mixture of (a), (b) and (c)
ans :d

7. Reduction of nitroalkanes yields
  1. Amine
  2. Alcohol
  3. Acid
  4. Diazo compounds
ans :a

8. Which one of the following compound gives a secondary amine on reduction ?
  1. Methyl isocyanide
  2. Nitrobenzene
  3. Nitromethane
  4. Methyl cyanide
ans :a

9. Which of the following reactions does not yield an amine ?

ans :a

10. Which of the following gives RNC , when reacted with CHCl3 and KOH ?

ans :d

11. Primary nitro compound when react with HNO2 , forms crystalline solids that on treatment with NaOH gives
  1. White precipitate
  2. Blue solution
  3. Red solution
  4. Yellow solution
ans :c

12. A solution of methyl amine 
  1. Tuens red litmus to blue
  2. truns blue litmus red
  3. Does not litmus
  4. Bleaches litmus
ans :a

13. Primary amines can be distinguished from secondary and tertiary amines by reacting with
  1. Chloroform alone
  2. Methyl iodide
  3. Chloroform and alc KOH
  4. Zinc dust
ans :c

14. The compound that on reaction with aqueous nitrous acid on HNO2 at low temperature , produces an oily nitrosoamine is 
  1. Methylamine
  2. Ethylamine
  3. Aniline
  4. Diethylnitrosoamine
ans :d

15. The end point of the reactions is

  1. Ethyl amine
  2. Ethyl cyanide
  3. Methyl amine
  4. Acetamide
ans :a

16. Which one of the following will give a primary amine on hydrolysis ?
  1. Alkyl isocyanide
  2. Alkyl cyanide
  3. Oxime
  4. Nitroparaffin
ans :a

17. Primary amines react with nitrous acid to yield
  1. Insoluble nitrite salts
  2. Nitrogen gas
  3. Yellow oily layer
  4. Azo dye
ans :b

18. Reaction of nitrous acid with aliphatic primary amine in the cold gives
  1. A diazonium salt
  2. A dye
  3. A nitrite
  4. An alcohol
ans :d

19. If methyl is alkyl group , then which order of basicity is correct

ans :c

20. Reduction of methyl isocyanide gives
  1. Ethylamine
  2. Dimethylamine
  3. Methylamine
  4. Trimethylamine
ans :b

21. Which one of the following compound is most basic ?

  1.  (A)
  2.  (B)
  3.  (C)
  4. All are equally basic
ans :c

22. When acetamide reacts with Br2 and caustic soda, then we get
  1. Acetic acid 
  2. Bromoacetic acid
  3. Ethyl amine
  4. methyl amine
ans :d

23. Reaction of cyclohexane with dimethylamine in the presence of catalytic amount of an acid forms a compound if water during the reaction is continuously removed. The compound formed is generally known as
  1. A schiff's base
  2. An imine
  3. An enamine
  4. An amine
ans :c

24. The compound
forms nitroso amines when the substituents are
  1.  R1 = H , R2 = R3 = CH3
  2. R1 = R2 = H , R3= C2H5
  3. R1=CH3 , R2 = R3 = H
  4. R1 = CH3 , R2 = C2H5 , R3=H
ans :a

25.  The correct order of basicities of the following compounds is

  1.  2 >  1> 3 > 4
  2. 3 > 1 > 2 > 4
  3. 1 > 3 > 2 > 4
  4. 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
ans :c

26.  The strongest base among the following is

ans : a

27.The order of basic strength among the following amines in benzene solution is

ans :c

28. Ethylamine can be obtained by the 
  1. Action of NH3 on ethyl iodide
  2. Action of NH3 on ethyl alcohol
  3. Both (a) and (B)
  4. None of the above
ans :c

29. Which of the following gives primary amine on reduction ?

ans :a

30.  Which of the following reactions will not give primary amine ?

ans :c

31. Reaction of primary amines with aldehyde yields
  1. Amides
  2. Aldimines
  3. Nitriles
  4. Nitro compounds
ans :b

32. When primary amines are treated with HCl , the product obtained is 
  1. An alcohol
  2. A cyanide
  3. An amide
  4. Amomnium salt
ans :d

2. Nitrocyanide and Isocyanides

1. Allyl isocyanide has
  1. Nine sigma bonds and four pi bonds
  2. Eight sigma bonds, three pi bonds, and two nonbonding electrons
  3. Eight sigma bonds , Three pi bonds, and four nonbonding electrons
  4. Eight sigma bonds, and five pi bonds
ans :c

2. Which of the following is not a nitro derivative ?

ans :c

3. The product formed when benzene is nitrated by fuming nitric acid is 
  1. m-dinitrobenzene
  2. sym-trinitrobenzene
  3. Nitrobenzene
  4. None of the above
ans :b

4. Nitrobenzene on nitration gives
  1. o-dinitrobenzene
  2. p-dinitrobenzene
  3. o- and p- nitrobenzene
  4. m-dinitrobenzene
ans :d

5. What is formed , when nitrobenzene is reduced using zinc and alkali
  1. Hydrazobenzene
  2. Aniline
  3. Nitrosobenzene
  4. Phenol
ans :a

6. The following reaction is

  1. Free radical substutution
  2. Electrophilic substitution
  3. Nucleophilic substitution
  4. None of these
ans :c

7. A neutral benzenoid nitrogenous organic compound has zero dipole moment , its probable structure is

ans :d

8. Product C of the given reaction is

ans :d

9. The products R and S are respectively

ans :a

Major product(s) is/are

  1.  Only V
  2. II , IV and VI
  3. I , III and V
  4. No reaction takes place 
ans :d

3. Aromatic Amines and diazonium salt

1. Benzene-diazonium chloride on reaction with phenol in a weakly basic medium gives
  1. Diphenyl ether 
  2. p-hydroxyazobenzene
  3. Chlorobenzene
  4. Benzene
ans :b

2. N,N-Dimethyl aniline reacts with nitrous acid to yield

ans :a

3. When aniline reacts with NaNO2 and dil. HCl at 0°-5°C , the product formed is
  1. Nitroaniline
  2. Trinitroaniline
  3. Benzene
  4. Benzene diazonium chloride
ans :d

4. Nitrobenzene combines with hydrogen in the presence of platinum to produce 
  1. Azobenzene
  2. Benzene
  3. Aniline
  4. Toluene
ans :c

5. In acid medium, nitrobenzene is reduced to aniline as shown in the reaction

The reducing agent used in this reaction is
  1. LiAlH4
  2. Na/alcohol
  3. Sn/HCl
  4. H2/Ni
ans :c

6. KCN reacts readily to give a cyanide with
  1. Ethyl alcohol
  2. Bromobenzene
  3. Ethyl bromide
  4. Chlorobenzene
ans :c

7. p-nitrobromobenzene can be converted to p-nitroaniline by using NaNH2. The reaction proceeds through the intermediate named
  1. Carbocation
  2. Benzene
  3. Carbanion
  4. Dianion
ans :b

8. In the diazotization of aniline with sodium nitrite and hydrochloride acid, an excess of hydrochloric acid is used primarily to
  1. Neutralize the base liberated
  2. Suppress hydrolysis of phenol
  3. Insure a stoichiometric amount od nitrous acid
  4. Suppress the concentration of free available for coupling
ans :d

9. The compound A with following sequence of reaction gave benzoic acid

the compound A is
  1. Nitrobenzene
  2. Benzaldehyde
  3. Aniline
  4. Amides
ans :c

10. When acetamide reacts with Br2 and caustic soda, then we get
  1. Acetic acid
  2. Methyl amine
  3. Bromoacetic acid
  4. Ethane
ans :b

11. Diazo coupling is useful to prepare some
  1. Vitamins
  2. Proteins
  3. Pesticides
  4. Dyes
ans :d

12. A positive carbylamine test is  given by
  1. N, N-dimethylaniline
  2. N-methyl-o-methylaniline
  3. 2,4-dimethylaniline
  4. p-methylbenzylamine
ans :c

13. Aniline reacts with acetaldehyde to form
  1. carbylamine
  2. Schiff's base
  3. Immine
  4. None of the above
ans :b

14. Which of the following is the strongest base ?

ans :a

15.  When aniline is treated with sodium nitrite and hydrchloric acid at 0°C,it gives
  1. Phenol and N2
  2. Diazonium salt
  3. Hydrazo compound
  4. No reaction takes place
ans :b

16. Azo dyes are prepared form
  1. Aniline
  2. Salicylic acid
  3. Benzaldehyde
  4. chlorobenzene
ans :a

18. Among the following compounds nitrobenzene , benzene, aniline and phenol the strongest basic behaviour in acid medium is exhibited by
  1. Phenol
  2. Aniline
  3. Nitrobenzene
  4. Benzene
ans :b

19. Which of the following compounds does not react with NaNO2 and HCl ?

ans :c

20. Aniline and methyl amine can be differentiated by 
  1. Reaction which chloroform and aqueous solution of KOH
  2. Diazotization followed by coupling with phenol 
  3. Reaction with HNO2
  4. None of the above
ans :b

21.  Aniline in a set of reactions yielded a product D

The structure of product D would be
  1. C6H5CH2NH2
  2. C6H5NHCH2CH3
  3. C6H5NHOH
  4. C6H5CH2OH
ans :d

in the above reaction "X"  stands for 
  1. NH2
  2. SnCl
  3. Cl
  4.  NH4Cl 
ans :a

The correct order of rotonation follows order
  1.  d > b > c > a
  2. a > d > b > c
  3. a > b > c > d
  4.  a > b > d >c
ans :c

24.  The correct order of C-N bond length in the compounds is

  1.  a > b > c > d
  2. b > c > d > a
  3. b > a > d > c
  4. c > b > a > d
ans :b

25.  Consider the following diazonium ions

The order of reactivity toward diazo-coupling with phenol in the presence of  dil. NaOH is
  1.  I < IV < II < III
  2. I < III < IV < II
  3. III < I < II < IV
  4.  III < I < IV < II
ans :b

26.  which of the following is most basic ?

ans :c

27.  The correct order of decreasing basic character of the four amines is

  1.  I  > II > III > IV
  2. IV > II > III > I
  3. III > II > I > IV
  4. II > I > III > IV
ans :c

28.  In the following reaction, X is

  1. Aniline
  2. Salicylic acid
  3. Phenol
  4. Benzoic acid
ans :a

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